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Tony May, 'The T.House Maquette' 1983.


Tony May, The T.House Maquette, 1983. Acrylic on panel, 8 x 8 inches.

Tony May will be the subject of two exhibitions at the New Museum in Los Gatos, CA, opening Friday, February 5, and running through Sunday, May 9.

The first focuses on ‘Views of the T. House,’ a series of paintings May completed over the course of the early 1990s, documenting the construction and development of his ambitious, site-specific installation, the T. House, which currently lives on the artist’s San Jose property. Concurrently, May will be featured in the museum’s exhibition series In the Artist’s Studio for which a selection of ephemera chronicling the making of May’s Variable Book Construction (Bookmobile), 1991-95 will be shown. Objects will include personal photographs, documents, tools, as well as a maquette of the sculpture, which is in the permanent collection of the San Jose Museum of Art, California. 

Both exhibitions will be on view through Sunday, May 9, 2021. More information here.

Watch Tony May give a virtual tour of the T.House below: