Amer Kobaslija, Riverscape with Landfills, 2022. Installed in Outside: In, Cummer Museum of Art, Jacksonville, FL, 2023. Photo: Douglas J. Eng. Image courtesy Cummer Museum of Art & Gardens.
We’re pleased to see work by Amer Kobaslija included in the group exhibition Outside: In, currently on view at the Cummer Museum of Art.
The exhibition focuses on artists who engage with the natural world in a variety of media. While surveying the waste in the Florida landscape, Kobaslija was struck by the prominent landfills, monuments to consumerism that bring to mind ancient pyramids. However, he recognized the irony in the artistic process of Riverscape with Landfills contributing to the debris, noting his use of “red enamel sprayed over imported, industrial-grade aluminum (mined and manufactured on different continents) as underpainting, to plastic layers of acrylic applied with housepaint rollers, and on to oil paint on top — the process informs the subject.” Similarly, Kobaslija is commenting on the politicized nature of landscape painting in his work, Genius Loci. The title derives from the Roman term for the protective spirit of a place, indicating how the history of once-Indigenous lands and climate change affect one’s reading of a scene.
The exhibition will be on view through November 30, 2023.